Yosemite Valley

Yosemite Pano

Sunday, January 31, 2010

White Rock Beach, BC

I managed to grab this shot today, while driving around on call for work. I got turned around in south Surrey, and found myself heading towards Whiterock. Since I know where to go from there I decided to keep on going and, well since it was sunny I decided to take a look at the "beach" and here's what I saw! I've been finding it hard to take photo's during the day to day routine, but I think I'll keep my camera with me, and make a point of taking a bit of time to frame a shot or two.


Friday, January 29, 2010

Image Size

Hey folks anyone else wanting to put larger sized photos like the ones I have on my blog, should do so by pasting the link from their photo hosting website (flickr, picasa...) and then edit the length and width numbers seen in that text too a width of 747, and height of 500. You need to be using a Stretch template in order to take advantage of the full screen, and giving you more real estate to show off your photos!

The text below is a an example of what flickr's link looks like, I had to hobble it in order for you to see the text not the image, but look for the height and width numbers in quotes, and just change them to the numbers stated, and enjoy.

"a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/cb750r/4314725307/" title="Xmas2009-83-Edit by CB750r, on Flickr">img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4023/4314725307_699aeff173_b.jpg" width="747" height="500" alt="Xmas2009-83-Edit"

Emerald Lake Sunset


Mt Baker sunrise

Here's another Mt Baker Sunrise after some time in Edit within Photoshop


Thursday, January 7, 2010

Its Been a while...

So its been a bit since I dusted off this site, but I've been really busy with life, holidays, and shooting photos! 
I  took some great shots over the holidays, but here's a little one from this morning! I'm pretty darn tired at the moment so if you'd like to see some from the holidays you can check out my first attempt at a web Gallery at: 


Friday, January 1, 2010