Yosemite Valley

Yosemite Pano

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Computer joy!

Finally today! I am stoked with the home setup!!!  

The tried and true old desktop has been sitting silent for the last few days, replaced by our new netbook! for a quarter of the price I paid for my old desktop, I have the same processing power, more ram, extreme portability, SILENT operation, HDMI goodness, and a portable computer should I need one onsite for photography!  But the most important feature of the new netbook... it replaces the dead laptop my girlfriend used to own!

This new netbook plays HD quality sound and picture by simply plugging in the HDMI cable from my tv to the port on the computer!! one cable!  

On the "new" Office computer, since the video card, and ram upgrade, I had to replace a faulty Motherboard fan, for a whopping 12 dollars, I now have a computer that doesn't sound like a bench grinder!! And I have added a 1.5TB external drive which should give me enough space for my photo's for a good long while! 

It may seem I'm a little computer centric the last few posts, but the computers are today's darkrooms, you can't catalog, develop, share, or promote your photos without getting a handle on computers!! 

Next post, my new Sigma 10-20mm lens! I haven't had much chance to play with the new lens as Vancouver has been blessed with a daily deluge of rain for the last several days.  I will have photos to share and comments soon!

1 comment:

  1. Your girlfriend is VERY happy with the new notebook! :)
