Yosemite Valley

Yosemite Pano

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Computer suck

So, you've got a new fancy camera, you want to do something with those photos so you download some hot new editing software, and you start importing your huge RAW files and then..... you wait.... and you wait..... and you edit, and wait.... and you watch the software crash... and you curse... and then you go buy some new ram, and new video card, and you swap computers from the office to the living room and NOTHING WORKS!!!!!! So you swap a wireless card, and then one thing works, you sit on hold with telus.... and then you talk to telus..... then your call gets dropped....
you find an old wireless card and stick it in... and it works.... then you sleep... wake up and then it doesn't... and then you pull the ethernet card out of another machine and...... FINALLY!!!

Headache? YES
was it worth the effort vs buying a new machine?? It doesn't feel like it yet
Does lightroom work way faster?? YES!!


  1. Oh man, that sounds litke a not so awesome day.. Sure doesn't make me miss working as a computer tech, holy crap!

    But, glad you got the improved system up and running!

  2. Yikes! Tell me about it - glad it's up and running now... fingers crossed it still will be by day's end!!

